Wednesday 25 April 2012

O - Week 18th Feb - 26th Feb

So this is about 2 months late but better late than never!
O- Week is pretty much Freshers but way better! It was more about getting to know people instead of getting absolutely paraletic and sleeping in all day and then doing it all over again the next day. Also I didnt have to cook for a whole week as it was free food everyday!

On the saturday 18th everyone had moved into the colleges - there are 6 and the one I am in is called Astley but there is Barton, Chifley, Dalton, Endeavour and Falcon. I am definitely in the best one! My college is pretty much full of international students: English, American, Canadian, German, Norwegian, Dutch, Mexican etc
The college bought Dominos pizza for everyone and we got to know each other by playing some games and getting wasted. This was the day I was introduced to Goon which is basically boxed wine - cheap and nasty but does the job! It costs about $ 12 for a 4 litre box! 

Anyways, the village organised a number of events for the week.


Saturday 18th - Get to know the college and play Volleyball

Sunday 19th - Trivia night against the rest of the colleges and free dinner. Went and explored Melbourne too

Monday 20th - Went to Uni and had a welcome talk and then had a Welcome Dinner. In the evening we went to a student bar in the city called Turf and got wrecked!

 Tuesday 21st- International Welcome Dinner where you got to meet all the other nationalities and eat nice pastas!

Wednesday 22nd - Hot Dog Night! Then we went to the Laurel Hotel for Toga Night

Thursday 23rd - Movie night

Friday 24th - Went on the university orientation trip to the Great Ocean Road which was only open to international students. Alot of the people I had already met and became friends with went on the trip. We camped in tents which was interesting.. lol
Bells Beach    
We left in the morning and stopped at Bells Beach where they filmed Point Break or something. Then we went to Lorne and went for a surfing lesson which was so much fun. As it was so nice we sunbathed on the beach. In the evening, we had a buffet dinner at a restaurant and then went to a bar for a few. 

Saturday 25th - We went for a hike in the Great Otway National Park and it was so hot! In the afternoon, there was the opportunity to learn how to play AFL but because it was so hot we ended up going to the beach instead. Then we went to a restaurant to have pasta and then ended up in a club.

Sunday 26th - Left in the morning and drove along the Great Ocean Road stopping on the way at The Twelve Apostles and London Bridge. It was such a good trip!
Twelve Apostles

O- Week was incredible!
