Friday 2 March 2012

Goodbye England, Hello Australia!!

So on the 7th February I left the UK and embarked on my trip to the other side of the world. The previous week was a hectic blur of packing, sorting out paperwork, repacking, saying goodbyes, having arguments with my bank, repacking again and booking my trip to Sydney! I sent a box to Oz with a load of uni stuff, clothes, shoes etc that I was unable to pack into my luggage which arrived at my family's house before I did! 

On the day I actually left, I remember feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety which is quite expected when you're leaving all your friends and family for nearly 5months. The day absolutely flew by and before I knew it I was being driven to Heathrow Airport by my boyfriend with my parents and sister in a separate car! The worst part of it was realising that I had forgotten my camera battery and so would not be able to take photos!

Saying goodbye to my family and boyfriend was extremely difficult but I think I was more upset than they were! They kept reminding me how amazing this experience would be and that I would be back before I know it which is kind of true but it was still hard going through security and not being able to see them anymore. 

My flight was at 21.30 with Qantas which meant that I could sleep overnight. The flight was good because we got a pre-departure drink of Champagne which was much appreciated!! 
The flight to Singapore was 12 hours but it went fairly quick as we got a meal about an hour after taking off and there were hundreds of films to keep me entertained. Also I fell asleep for a few hours which made the time fly by!
 I arrived in Singapore about 5pm local time and pretty much got straight back onto the plane for a 8hour flight to Melbourne. 

I arrived in Melbourne about 7am local time after hardly sleeping on the plane! At security we had to wait an hour as all the computers went down which was bit of a pain in the arse as by then I just wanted to get out into Oz! 
Eventually I got through with no problems (thank god!) and met Shirley and Bill who are family. It was so nice to see a familiar face after nearly 24hours with me, myself and I! 

They gave me a tour of Melbourne City in their car for an hour which was great as I got to see how amazing the city was. After that, we went to their house where I had a shower which was soooo nice after being stuck on a plane for so long! In the afternoon they took me to get a SIM card for my phone and a few cooking items. Then we had Roast beef for dinner :) had a walk by the creek and then went to bed at 9pm as I was so knackered as the jet lag had kicked in!! 

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