Friday 22 June 2012

Everyday Life In Australia!!!

Over the past few months living in Australia, it has been really interesting to find out what's similar and what's different to the UK.

When you pay for something on your card there are 3 options to choose from: Cheque, Savings & Credit. After all this time I still don't know the differences to explain them!

  • Shops are very similar except that they don't have M&S, Debenhams, John Lewis and shock horror, no Primark!!
  • McDonald's is referred to as Macca's!
  • Clothes shops don't count how many items you have before you go into a fitting room
  • Staff are very laid back and wear very casual clothes 
  • Everything takes a long time as they are so laid back!
  • They have Milk bars instead of newsagents
  • There are 3 main supermarkets: Coles, Woolworths (not like ours) and Safeway
  • The supermarkets have liquor shops next to them


My first thoughts of the student village were 'OMG what have I let myself in for?!' lol however it was the best place I could have stayed as it was sociable and it was exactly what you need for a few months.

Australia tend to live in bungalows or one storey houses unlike back in UK. The gardens that I've seen don't tend to be too big and I haven't met anyone with a swimming pool yet which everyone believes all Aussies to have!


  • Melbourne is very big on its trams and has the 3rd largest tram network in the world or something along those lines.In alot of the cities, you'll find trams and they are a relatively easy way to get around a city although they do take a long time from an outersuburb. 
  • Just like the UK, they have buses and trains 
  • Transport is realtively cheap - for a allday ticket that can be used on  buses, trains and trams it is only about £3.50

  • Australian food is very similar to the UK and they have all types of cuisine as Australia is fairly mulitcultural
  • BBQs are very popular with burgers, snags (sausages) and salad. Although they tend to just use bread for hotdogs and burgers instead of proper buns which means that they always break apart! (or maybe I just don't have the knack!)
  • A very famous Australian dish is Chicken Parma (Parmagiana) which is basically a chicken breast covered in a napoli tomato sauce, cheese and wrapped in ham with breadcrumbs on the top! Really  yummy although the one I had was huge and covered my plate! 
    Chicken Parma
  •  Also, fish & chips are pretty much the same although instead of cod or haddock you eat shark!! It is gummy shark and they call it flake. It tastes really meaty.
  • How could I forget - KANGAROO!! so yummy!! very tender, tastes like beef! 
  • Also you can eat crocodile and emu! Crocodile is a mixture between fish and chicken taste. 
  • You cannot find Gammon anywhere in Oz! 
  • They have Timtams which are the best biscuit ever and which you cannot buy in the UK! I have 20 packs to take home.
  • Iced coffee is really big here!
  • Beer sizes: Stubby (beer bottle), schooner - pot - glass - pint. 

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