Friday 22 June 2012

The Social Side

Astley College on Cocktail Night
  • As with typical students, clubbing and drinking is a very popular form of activity! However, pre-drinking starts so much earlier as students leave early to go to places as alot of clubs close around 1am. 
  •  At VU there are alot of clubs and societies which you can participate in 
  • Also there is a gym and swimming pool at then Footscray Park Campus which you can join
  • The Uni, ran quite a few different social activities during the semester for example the Great Ocean Road Trip, Healesville Sanctuary, Victoria Market etc
  • The Student Village was great at social activities that were not always about the drinking! They did trips and activities such as:
    -  a trip to Phillip Island 
    -  a trip to Sovereign Hill
    - a Coffee Crawl during exam period
    - free bbqs and college meals throughout the semester
    - movie nights every thursday
    - sport events every monday
    - a college outing to play laserquest and go bowling
    - they also ran a cookery class every tuesday for students who didn't know how to cook or wanted to learn new recipes
    - cocktail night 

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