Friday 15 June 2012

Oh the joy of exams!!

It's that time of the semester again when exams take over your life and every waking hour, and in my case sleeping hour, is spent thinking about revision and worrying that I haven't done enough. Every exam time is the same - I always say to myself  'next time I will start earlier!' of course this never happens and the few days before my exams are a mad panic and stress where I get up at an ungodly hour  to try and insert information into my brain! 

This exam period is a bit different though as I am taking exams at VU so  I got to experience how Australians do exams and whether it was any different or was similar. 
The first thing I noticed was that ALOT of the units have no exams and so students have nothing to do after the semester is up - soo lucky! Unfortunately only one of my units did not have an exam so that meant I had to endure 3! 

The second thing is that, like BU, exams are held on an external site which in this case was the Melbourne Showgrounds. A very nice venue to be set at except the rooms are freezing cold! It's not too far away either - 10 mins on the tram and there are  loads of people sitting exams at the same time. 

The third thing is that for each exam you are given 15mins reading time which is great if you have a few texts to read but for my exams I find I've read my questions in  5mins flat and am just willing my brain to remember the thoughts it's come up with as you are not allowed to make any notes during this period. I suppose it is good for international students who don't speak English as their first language but I do think it is a waste of time and I would rather just start the exam. 
Apart from that, the exams here are very similar to BU which is good as I knew what to expect and was familiar with the process.

Only one exam left now thankfully and I can't wait till 5pm to walk out and be free from stress and revision and to enjoy my last night in the Student Village.

Till then - I suppose I better do some revision.

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